Geek Out
July 22, 2024

Empowering Newcomers: Success in the U.S. Education System

Explore how to support newcomer students through a student-centered approach, research-based strategies, and comprehensive support to ensure academic success and social-emotional development in a diverse educational environment.

The term "newcomer" refers to students who have recently arrived in the United States and are navigating the complexities of a new language, culture, and education system. These students often face unique challenges, including language barriers, cultural adjustment, and academic gaps due to varying educational backgrounds. Addressing the needs of newcomers is crucial for their success and integration into their new communities.

Our Comprehensive Approach to Supporting Newcomers

Recognizing the distinct needs of newcomer students, our mission is to empower them to achieve their fullest potential through a tailored curriculum and supplemental resources. Here's how we support newcomers:

Assets-minded Newcomer Curriculum

Our newcomer curriculum is designed with the diverse needs of newcomers in mind. We provide culturally responsive lessons that make students feel valued and understood, fostering a welcoming and inclusive learning environment that sends an important message: You are intelligent; You are capable; and, You are welcome! By prioritizing the students' cultural and linguistic backgrounds, we create a sense of belonging and engagement in the classroom.

Research & Standards-based Strategies

Our reading, speaking, and writing strategies and routines that make up our newcomer curriculum are grounded in the latest educational research and best practices for teaching multilingual learners. We employ proven strategies that accelerate language acquisition and academic success. These strategies are specifically designed to meet the needs of newcomers, ensuring they make rapid progress in their language skills and academic performance.

Measurable Outcomes

Our newcomer curriculum is designed to rapidly improve language skills, helping students gain skills and confidence. More importantly, our resources promote social-emotional learning, helping students build relationships and integrate smoothly into the school community. This holistic approach ensures that newcomers are not only academically prepared but also socially and emotionally supported.

Key Components of Our Newcomer Curriculum

Reading Practice & Instruction

Newcomers require specialized, differentiated reading instruction. Our adaptive online reading platform and teacher-driven lessons provide immediate support to respond to the various language needs in the classroom. With our Newcomer Reading Curriculum/Program, students engage in daily reading lessons aligned to ELD/ESOL/ELP standards and receive 60 minutes of online, adaptive reading practice each week.

Writing Practice & Instruction

Newcomers need greater access to writing practice, instruction, and feedback. Our Ink Writing Universe offers auto-grading technology that allows teachers to assign more writing practice while delivering feedback directly to students. This system ensures that students receive timely and constructive feedback, helping them improve their writing skills.

Routine-Rich Language Learning

Literacy routines create a powerful framework for ongoing, spiraled skill development for newcomers. By consistently revisiting key learning strategies and essential literacy skills, newcomers deepen their understanding and boost their confidence in their abilities. This routine-based approach promotes independence and responsibility among students, helping them take charge of their learning journey.

Language + Content Integration

We seamlessly integrate language development with content learning, ensuring students not only learn English but also keep up with academic subjects. This dual focus prevents newcomers from falling behind and helps them build confidence as they learn to effectively use English across subject areas.

Comprehensive Support

Our Newcomer Program includes 8 four-week units designed to accelerate English language proficiency and teach essential literacy skills. The program offers full access to the Multiverse, an innovative learning platform that supports newcomers' academic and social-emotional development. Additionally, our Scholarly Class for Multilingual Students provides community-building activities, MTSS, Tier 1 instruction, novel studies, and character education, ensuring a well-rounded educational experience.

Responding with Urgency to Newcomers' Needs

Addressing the needs of newcomer students with urgency is critical for their academic and social success. These students are often at a pivotal point in their educational journey, and timely support can make a significant difference in their ability to thrive. By providing a culturally responsive newcomer curriculum, research-based strategies, and comprehensive support, we can help newcomers overcome their challenges and achieve their fullest potential.

Newcomers bring rich cultural and linguistic diversity to our schools, and it is our responsibility to ensure they have the resources and support they need to succeed. By responding with urgency and dedication, we can create a more inclusive and equitable education system that empowers all students to reach their goals.

Jonathan LeMaster