Geek Out
September 5, 2023

6 Reasons to Get Students Writing More

Explore the benefits of increasing opportunities for students to write in response to text-dependent prompts, including improved reading comprehension, critical thinking skills, and writing proficiency.

Increasing opportunities for students to write more, particularly in response to text-dependent prompts, is critical for several reasons.

1. Improved Reading Comprehension

Writing responses to text-dependent prompts requires students to engage deeply with the provided texts. This process enhances their reading comprehension skills, as they must understand the text thoroughly to formulate coherent written responses.

2. Critical Thinking and Analysis

Crafting written responses necessitates critical thinking and analytical skills. Students must evaluate, synthesize, and interpret the information from the text to construct meaningful answers. This higher-level cognitive engagement fosters intellectual growth.

3. Writing Proficiency

Regular writing practice helps students improve their writing skills. They learn to structure their responses logically, use appropriate grammar and syntax, and convey their ideas effectively. This proficiency extends beyond the classroom and benefits them in various aspects of life.

4. Preparation for Standardized Tests

State and local standardized tests often include writing components. Students who are accustomed to writing in response to prompts are better prepared to perform well on these tests. Familiarity with the format and expectations can reduce test anxiety and improve scores.

5. Assessment and Feedback

Teachers can assess students' understanding and skills more effectively through written responses. This enables targeted feedback and personalized instruction. It also helps identify areas where students may need additional support.

6. Confidence Building

Regular writing opportunities build students' confidence in their ability to express themselves and engage with complex texts. Increased confidence can lead to greater motivation and willingness to participate in class.

Increasing opportunities for students to write in response to text-dependent prompts not only helps them excel academically but also fosters crucial skills and abilities that are essential for their overall development and future success in both education and life beyond the classroom.

How does Literacy Geeks support writing more?

  • At the end of each Quest, teachers can "turn on" writing so students can engage in quick writing tasks that direct students to use text evidence from the text in the Quest. 
  • Our Teacher-led lessons offer text-dependent prompts that can be used to drive close reading and increase opportunities for students to write about what they are reading.
  • Literacy Geeks offers Common Writing Assessments that measure writing skills across a school and district by auto-grading student essays with rubrics and student-level feedback.
  • Lastly, we developed a Writing Prompt Builder and learning routines to help students analyze prompts and write effectively.
Jonathan LeMaster